Hi Carolyn - thanks so much for your comment! And I am so glad you're branching out into Amazon KDP. It definitely has huge potential, but it does take a while for the sales to start coming in. When I first started in KDP, I told myself that I was going to give it a year before I even began to judge whether I was on the path to "success," whatever that is. Friends and family purchases are important and heartwarming, but once you start creating books in volume their eyebrows lift in horror...you can hear them thinking, "Not another damn book I have to buy!" Even if they don't buy, they can leave a non-"verified purchase" review. Reviews, in my opinion, are the most important component to getting sales over the long term. Anyway, I encourage you to consistently publish more on KDP. It's a numbers game; you never know which titles will sell and which will flounder. The majority of my books don't sell well at all, but I know that I just have to keep producing and publishing to increase the number of books that DO sell. Thanks again for the comment. Don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have any KDP questions that I might be able to help with. You can reach me at cristo@cristolopez.com. Also, I have a web app that I am creating to help with book visibility and reviews. I'm going to need some beta-users (FREE) to test it out. I'll let you know when it's ready in case you are interested. Warmest regards, Cristo