Hi Michael — At this point I’m so frustrated with Medium that I rarely write for it anymore. I got invited to apply for their recent program ( I guess I fit some criteria, like having over 2000 followers) but was rejected in the end. It was disappointing. Like being invited to a party, but being met at the door by a bouncer who looks you up and down, and says, “Ahhhhhh, no.”
I’ve been working on digital products for the Mexican (Spanish speaking) market recently. Personal financial spreadsheets and productivity tools. It’s a lot of work to launch a product, but at least I get paid each time someone purchases something. I’m not getting rich, but it’s an income I’m much more in control of. I just can’t take being jerked around by Medium and their constantly changing formats and algorithms. I don’t mind spending hours upon hours writing from the heart, but I am also tired of bumping into that bouncer all the time.
Sorry for the Saturday morning rant — but thanks for listening. :)
All my best to you,