If you're getting your dental work done in Tijuana, then I'm guessing you're from SoCal? I was born in Los Angeles and lived in Santa Monica until I was about 10. 50 years later I'm in a little village south of Monterrey. I'm the only American within 30 miles (I call myself "Don Gringo"). I'm 2 years here and on track for permanent residency. I couldn't be happier! Expats welcome! I've not been to San Miguel de Allende, but I understand it's a beautiful place. By the way, I listened to an interesting podcast on youtube last night: Al Franken talking with David Axelrod. Axelrod says that the first debate (Sept. 29?) is the make-it-or-break-it event for Biden. Axelrod is on the team prepping Biden for Trump. The good news is that Trump is unlikely to prepare for Biden...