In a perfect world, Trump and Trumpism would quickly disappear after November 3rd with a Biden victory. I fear the reality won't be that easy given that 30% of our fellow citizens seem to see Trump as some kind of savior. For me, the stark choice between Trump and Biden is not about party or policy - it's about character. Trump has rewritten the book when it comes to the presidency. Gone are the days when the president recognized that they were the steward of the greatest position on the planet, and believed that the office is more important than the individual who holds it. Trump's character - or rather lack of it - frees him to act corruptly, and invites others to participate in the corruption of norms and rules of law. Even Nixon - who was the first to declare that, "When the president does it, that means it's not illegal" (Trump being the second person to say it) - even Nixon had the good sense to resign when his illegality had damaged the presidency to such an extent governing was impossible. Trump has no such shame. Today, illegality is not just committed. It's flaunted in full view and is accompanied by a middle finger suggesting, "Watcha going to do about it?" Trump does not see the office as bigger than himself. Quite the opposite. So for me, this election is not about governing policies. Policies mean nothing when the framework of democracy is collapsing. The only thing that matters is character: respect for the rule of law; truth and honesty; humility; civil discourse. Trumpism didn't appear overnight. It was born decades ago, and it won't disappear when Trump is gone. The 30% love the taste of the Koolaid, and they'll want more. I'll be voting for candidates up and down the ballot who demonstrate character first, whatever their party, and then policies second. Our democracy can be saved, but only if character wins.