Sir, when the facts of this particular example come out, will it change anything for the president's supporters? We DO have video tape of Trump mocking Serge Kovaleski; we DO have video tape of Trump disparaging the Khans; we Do have video tape of Trump denigrating the service of John McCain. We DO have hundreds of examples in which this man bullied, belittled and besmirched other Americans (and people around the world), including many who have served in uniform. The media did not lie about those incidents. The video tape doesn't lie. But even with video tape evidence, it seems Trump's supporters excuse this behavior. Why should any American give Trump the benefit of the doubt in this case? When even Fox News corroborates the story - as it did last night - I think we might begin to think that there probably is something to it. Why should any of us wait any longer to come to the conclusion that this is who Trump is, and this is what he said? Trump has shown us who he is over and over and over again. When will we believe him?