Thank you Senator Flake for focusing on what really matters. I fear that Trumpism won't pass quietly into history. A monster has been unleashed in our society, and it wants to feed (Need proof? Look at the comments in this response thread from Trump supporters; nothing bit vitriol and ad hominem attacks). But it is only the principles that make this country great - principles that transcend party allegiance - that will save us. Trumpism will not disappear on January 20, 2021. If anything, it will become more vicious and divisive. That's why men and women of all stripes must take a stand on November 3rd, and every day after that, probably for many years. We need conservative, moderate and liberal public servants to reject Trumpism and Trump's philosophy of "Serve Me", and endorse leaders who commit to models of leadership that have at their core decency, civility, respect for the rule of law, and character. Servant leadership is what this country thrives under, not "Serve-Me" leadership.